Journal of Blockchain Research

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Journal of Blockchain Research invites manuscript submissions in the area of Blockchain Technology including Principles and Application. Blockchain is a tamper-evident, shared digital ledger that records transactions in a public or private peer-to-peer network without centralized control. The research and developmental activities related to blockchain technology can be roughly divided into two areas: (1) Fundamental research on blockchain technology itself, such as alternative consensus algorithms that consume less energy, provide better scalability, are more robust to cyberattacks, and are more scalable; (2) The application of the blockchain in various industry sectors, such as fintech, medicine and health, energy and power generation systems, real estate, travel, manufacturing, education, or even government. For the understanding of blockchain principles, we have seen alternative consensus algorithms being proposed, such as proof of stake, that are likely to make blockchains more scalable, secure, and robust in the long term. The potential application of Blockchain have been getting more attractive to industrial field. Journal of Blockchain Research welcomes original research and review articles on all aspects of blockchain technology.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief Prof. Hong Wan, University of North Carolina
Associate Editors

Prof. Xue Liu, McGill University

Prof. Zhan Pang, Purdue University

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